Thursday, February 6, 2025

A new year, a new world.

It's February 6 2025. Nearly 15 years since i started this Blog. I see over the years a total of 68.5K people have checked here. Thank you to all. I'm not monetized so I"m not getting rich off it. It's about fun. Though I have a few things I could upload to read, they aren't quite ready. My books are still in editing stage. Not sure if that ever ends. I've gotten a better handle on ebook converting. I think I've become a hoarder of Rejection letters. Since the advent of ebooks, readers have a much easier platform for acquiring literature at a less restrictive availability. There are a number of writers whose previous work would be a great addition to the ebook community. Funny, just 3-4 years ago we all wondered if the world would survive. It's been a crazy few years. My family has shrunk as I've buried three brothers now, my sister years ago. Out of eight siblings only four remain. I'm staring the big moment in the face. Many of you may be familiar with that. I've gone from third youngest to second oldest. Not an enviable spot. So that's my catch up. From not watching more closely I see some previous links have gone dead. I've fixed that I think. Y'all be well.

Friday, February 4, 2022

The Long Night

Not an original title. I thought a familiar one more inportant than something obsure. We have all been dealing with the long night of controversy over Covid. Those in my house have survived Delta and Omicron. Quite well as a matter of fact. I am immune compromised with asthma and other issues. Prime candidate for the Jar on a shelf. Many of my friends and associates have long standing problems as result of Covid. We are among the fortunate majority. My heart goes out for others who have lost loved ones in the last two years. I wish things could be as they were but, alas, it's not to be. The world I knew has perished. You cannot restore, resurrect or rebuild it. I am now older and a few short months from retirement. Like many though, I will continue working because I must in order to survive. It's funny, I look back over the years since I started this blog and find I did not accomplish what I had wanted. Now time has flown by and it looks like I may yet accomplish a few things I intended. Life is a distraction sometimes, from living. If you get that, you've done well. I don't see things as I once did. A world climbing upward and outward as I envisioned has become a night of fear of the dark lasting far too long. Pain and health issues for many has overshadowed hope, determination, and common sense. I still hope to accomplish a few more things before shedding this mortal coil. The brevity of our life becomes more real as we grow older, or at least it should. You may read this and think I'm a pessimist. Actually, I'm an optimist. You see, for now, the world goes on and who knows what may yet come of things. What I did not accomplish, another may yet do. I started life in a world of darkness and managed to find a well lit path. I can see it's still there. Find a good book, put on some music or just read in silence and let your mind find the music. Be free in pages of print, whether, electronic or paper.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Long time out

It's been years since I was here last. My bad. Life got busy and I was out of it. It's been nearly nine years. This week we celebrate our 46th anniversary. I had commented last it was our 37th. I started this back when it seemed like a good medium for posting. Since then FB, Twitter and all the rest have become the popular places. They are not my thing. So, I'll continue here for now and who comes here does and who doesn't, not a problem for me. I realize many may have left comments and that for some reason I failed to be notified and so I did not approve them. For a period I had to shut down my access as my email got hacked, like most of you have experienced, and it took ages to clear up the mess and get it usable again. Apparently, they are deleted automatically after a period of time. Sorry for that folks. For those who posted just to promote their own agenda, I wouldn't have approved your comment any how. Don't waste your time if you come here for that reason,,, I don't know how much time I have to keep up with this but If some of you have enjoyed my short excerpts, I'm glad. You may have noticed my blog is not monetized. I know that breaks with current trends but I've never been a trender. Now for the fun part. I have finished several books that some of my posts are excerpts from and set them in electronic format for epub and mobi. I've been doing a little more editing. I haven't made them available for purchase yet but it's in the works. Now to wrap up todays post, I have pointed several people to here because of posts I made. I hope it was helpful. I will be checking on this more often so if you leave a comment I should get to it in few days.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Old Man Winter

I don't know if the rest of the world heard but it snowed October 29,2011 in our town. A disgusting thing done prematurely, by a cold old man. I know because I caught him sitting in my summer deck chair enjoying the gloom of the cloudy day taking a rest from all his hard work snowing on us. Our local weather persons said we got an inch of snow. I think they are on a different measuring system. I measure 4 inches on my deck. Then to look out and see this sight it was just,,, well unbelievable. I think the pictures say it all. I will say one thing, at least he did let me pose with him to prove this isn't Photochopped. Big shot celebrity, here today and hopefully gone tomorrow. Let the sunshine in! Disclaimer: Any resemblance of the person in the picture or references to his character that may appear as someone else is purely coincidental.

Stans Visitors


Links to sites I promote

These are friends and associates who do art and music, and authors who have books available. If you are interested in such, email them and check out their site. They will contact you back with specifics.

If you want me to post a link to your site, email me. I will check out your content and let you know.

I am an author and lover of art and music and promote the same of those whom I know do the same. This site has some incredible dolls, all handmade, for sale. These artists are very talented and if you are looking for dolls and artwork I think this is one of the best places I've seen. This link is to an author friend who has his books available. "Time Angels" and the sequal "Time Angels II the Omega Key" by Jack Keene.

About Me

My childhood was spent growing up on a farm in the mountains of northern Pennsylvania. In those years I learned the lessons that would mold my character and moral center. In my teens I moved to a small city in southeastern PA. Like many teens I had my rebellion and found the futility of it. During my late teens I moved to central PA and in high school lost my heart to the girl who is now my wife. Presently I'm well into midlife and slowing rapidly. The things I used to do, I can't even remember. Married as 2021 for 46 years, we have a son, a daughter and five grandchildren. My son has two boys, my daughter three girls, I love irony! I am adding 2 great grandsons! I'm self-employed for most of 35 years in construction. Doing a project for a customer and getting their approval is wonderful and inspiring. I started writing when my children were younger. I did some stories for them and over time it became more of an interest. I now have four completed novels and several shorts and am working towards getting one or more published. One short has been published.